
Tommy FalkeØje
Fensmarkgade 44
2200 Copenhagen N

About me

tommy@falconeye.dk      Phone 045-4492-5427

Energy patterns and consciousness structures (lectures)
Playlist on Youtube

On the surface of your body there exists a charging pattern. It is transferred via nerve fibers to your brain giving structure in your consciousness and forms your political attitudes, your family pattern, way of thinking and communicating etc. If you are stagnated in one energy pattern, it causes serious psychic, social and bodily problems. This is the case in our culture, and further more there are bodily and conscious splits making us ill and cheating us, so we gain the opposite of what we want. Most people believe that consciousness is created during history and childhood. But the substantial force in consciousness is made up by the structure. Original people and babies have a free consciousness switching around between all energy patterns. But during history and children's education consciousness has been narrowed down to stagnation in one specific energy pattern and belonging consciousness structure. This is not what it has to be. And you can easily liberate yourself again. This has happened several times in connection with public revolutionary processes. And every such liberation always starts with setting your consciousness free.